Tag Archives: lazy

Technology Takeover

In the video ” Laws that Choke Creativity”, the main argument that was displayed was that human beings are incapable of doing anything for themselves anymore. Technology, while one of our biggest accomplishments, is also one of man kinds greatest downfalls. Unfortunately, technology has made people lazy. People lack communication skills because everything is verbalized through text (the slang kind at that). One drawback that arises from the constant texting, is that people’s grammar skills are diminishing. Another example that proves that technology is making people lazy is that most car owners cannot walk a block without complaining. I have seen it time and time again where car owners will drive their car to the corner store. Soon enough the side walk will be replaced with same level escalators so that no body will have to walk anywhere- a great invention indeed -___-. To me it is just sad how 90% of people will just about go bonkers if their phone was disconnected as opposed to running water.  Technology in its advances may be a beautiful thing for mankind because it shows that we can do extraordinary things; but such extraordinary things are diminishing was man kind was brought up to be: social, interactive, and go getters, as opposed to just thinking everything was just going to be handed over to you.