Tag Archives: Joyce Kozloff


Many maps at BRIC stood out to me like the Foursquare log in/check in map but  the work that left an impression on me was the Joyce Kozloff piece called ‘Targets’.  It was this sphere like structure that you were able to enter and once inside you were able to see all of the countries that the U.S has bombed from 1945 to 2000. Another nice feature was the acoustics of the structure, because any time you said something it was echoed back at you.  I wouldn’t say this piece changed my perspective on maps but it did make me realize that almost all data can be put into map form, the data in ‘Targets’ just illustrated the fact that the U.S has an itchy trigger finger.  One data in my daily life that I would like to visualize on a map would be all of the places in NY that I have been to so far.