Tag Archives: Fred Wright

Corporations in the press.

The Thomas Eland and Fred Wright article both echo one of my beliefs which is there should be a separation between the press and business.  I have always believed that the press should be for the people instead of puppets being manipulated by large corporations.  I have no problem with the press being for profit, but I do have a problem when they are cancelled because of low ratings or poor circulation.   The news should exist outside of the control of gatekeepers and thus shouldn’t be judged on the criteria of ratings or circulation.

According to the Eland article alternative press does not believe that news can be told from a neutral “objective” perspective, which I disagree with.  Mainly because if the news is not neutrally objective then it can affect how it is reported – for an example I give you Fox News.  Another thing about alternative media and zines is that they are the trees falling in the forest with no one being around to hear them.  Alternative press and zines are so obscure that were it not for these two articles I never would have even known that they existed.