Tag Archives: e-books

Real versus Virtual

Both articles don’t have much in common. The reading brain in digital age by Ferris Jabr present for auditory information scientific research about competition between traditional paper book and electronic book, or reading from computer screen. Author use very interesting data, but it feels from the first sentence, that he personally  opposite the idea of books being published in electronic format. It’s look like he is playing with information in order to improve his own opinion. The example he use in a first paragraph(little girl magazine experience) is very unclear, for sure, and author pointed on it, but in a way it will work for him. Ferris, actually, live e-format for magazines and newspapers, his main idea – studying and any important reading and testing must be doing with paper printed sources (books,documents etc), which is definitely true for his generation, same as for mine, but ,in my opinion, not going to work for younger generation. Reading, writing and understanding are training ability, they depends from condition and quality of training. It means that if one generation will be raise without access to paper books, they will don’t need them at all. The Cobweb by Jill Lepore ,in opposite, present to readers different style. Author use real facts, but put them in contexts through personal experience. She is not try to mock auditory, but present her sympathy without forgetting about critical thinking. The idea of the web archive definitely inspire her, but she, with no mercy, shows negative side of it too: the Utopias of founders, the difficulty in order to use it, problems with copyrighting and authors rights. Lepore’s work, as I see it, is more close to a novel, than to essay, she presents not only plot of her research, but real characters: Kahle, Licklider. And even her description of Wayback Machine and archive itself is so stylish and detailed that the reader has a feeling of being at the place without even seeing it. And of course, the main idea that Internet much more fragile than majority of people think it is, is a great topic itself.