Tag Archives: DVR

Who’s smart now?

Non-text Media Technology always seemed like ‘no big deal to me’, part in which has to do that when the iPod came out in 2001  – I was about 14. Most of my life, I have downloaded music and transferred it to an iPod. Reading the article Content, Computing and Communications, made me recognize how iTunes, created by Apple is truly a ‘Genius’ software. Yet, with all these stupendous features, we, the consumers are quick to blame the companies when minor things go wrong. Prime example, “this stupid phone never works correctly”. Wait a minute.. you have 500 songs in your playlist and 10 movies streamed, AND you’re complaining. This service is so slow, this video won’t buffer. I actually YouTube’d the video The Wilderness Downtown, and despite what the author wrote about, another thought came to mind. The boy in the video is running throughout the entire video, signifying that no matter how fast you run, man will never be as quite and swift as the internet. All those events are happening in the background and he is still running throughout it all.

Smart TVs offer Pandora and Netflix features. Pandora compared to iTunes is more friendly for the lazy. A station will play and play until you tell it to stop and its free music. And it has a similar feature as iTunes, they have recommended stations. The drawback is you cannot download the music for storage. iTunes has the hassle of choosing, downloading, and buying music, and once that is up, then they can do the tedious work of recommending songs for you and creating Genius playlists.  Netflix for me might be the coolest thing because growing up, I remember my mom  taking my sister and I to blockbuster and then getting yelled at because we returned it late. Now, with the touch of a button, I can pay for my movie, and not worry about late fees, or traveling. People used to have to rush home or find a TV when a show was on. Now you can DVR it and store it for however long your heart desires. Another feature is On Demand. This might be why we are so lazy! Everything is so easy, all you need it a finger to experience any type of non-text media.  The best part is, over the years, the features have become free or much more affordable.