Tag Archives: audio

Next week: non-text and alternative media; readings for Monday 2/9

Today we discussed some aspects of digital text-based media, including the Wayback Machine‘s efforts to archive the internet and how reading from a screen differs from reading from paper. We also investigated corporate media ownership and discussed whether digital forms provide meaningful alternatives to traditional print and broadcast media. Do we need alternatives?

On Monday, February 9, we will discuss non-text media, including audio, images, and multimedia. Please read the following:

Meikle & Young pp. 13-27 (distributed in class; contact me if you didn’t receive a copy)
Brna, “Vinyl vs. CD/MP3

Your blogging assignment is to write one reading response blog post. You all surely know a lot about music, video, and multimedia, so be sure to share your existing knowledge and comment on what new information you gleaned from the readings. To receive full credit for your blog post, be sure it is posted by the beginning of class.

~Prof. Leonard