Author Archives: Kendrick Elder

Disappearing internet content

This Article appears to cover how the internet isn’t 100% reliable when it comes to citations. This is of no surprise to me on an honest level as its man-made and bound to have some type of flaw to its work. One example is with sites like the Wayback machine. It might have a decent way of getting the images of how sites appeared at one point but it still has limits as it lacks the amount of servers to get every single website on the internet. I personally do not see this as ever possible however as the internet is an environment that is constantly expanding to no end. This just goes to show that nothing is limitless in our world.


There’s been an online trend that if its not on Google, it doesn’t exist. This can be thrown into several proportions as people tend to believe too much into search engines. One in particular is Google as its been relied on for countless purposes. Admittedly I am a victim of this as well as I tend to rely on google for alot of work that I do and sometimes even just for basic task. This is a clear example of how people can be taken in by using it. Not all the time it can be true however as even though it holds alot of information, the government has a sturdy hand over what is kn the site as well. So sometimes things can be inaccurate but at the same time its so heavily relied on by the public which puts to question how useful it truly is. And its a clear example of how mass media is a issue in our society.


I always saw the internet search engines as easy tools to find things over the years. If it was for random memes, answers to questions and even for the latest news, it has been almost like that one person you always get stuff from that makes me happy. When it came to search engines specifically however, I usually stuck with google as other engines just either didn’t grab my eye as fast or made me go on more than page in the search area to find what I wanted. The key words part didn’t necessarily catch my eye since I saw it as something to be expected because the browsers are man made and thus programmed to think similar and respond to a certain set of words one way. But thing that did raise my question is what exactly is the importance of recording all our searched information as we don’t always use the internet seriously and we can all be a little flippant with what we search for.


The article of Metadata does appear interesting to in its own unique way. Metadata appears to be information that constantly updates itself based on all other information around it. As such, it appears to feed off information about what the public does over the internet. While this is a clear violation of privacy, it is interesting to note that there is actually information created from our own information. This some extent gives an idea that the internet has a extent of self-awareness. But for the most part it is used by to try root out the public’s overall internet usage.

Internet Freedom?

Internet Freedom to me is a sign of true freedom in my perspective. The only unfortunate thing about it is due to human-ambition, alot of competition is created which can result in limits in what we can access on the internet. While some say its for good reasons of censorship, others can say its a form of robbing freedom from us as humans as we should be allowed to access whatever want. As we all are given access to the internet via, paid plans and other means, its only fair we truly get what we pay for as our providers claim they give us. But then again its just a clear example of how a Utopian society will never truly be met if even what we access is limited due to people above us keeping locks on us.

Copyright…Original or not

Personally I believing the concept of copyrighting is a shaky topic since its an issue that has been widely touched upon in our world. Alot of people’s ideas can be checked upon and often considered copyright which leads to some issues. But at the same time not all the time to me are people guilty as sometimes its just a affect of great minds thinking alike. One ridiculous example was when Paris Hilton somehow won the lawsuit she filed on Hallmark for using the words “That’s Hot” which she claims to own. Other than that, some people can let some similar ideas slide without controversy.

Open Data

Personally the use of the internet to me can have its ups and downs. While people can post information about themselves without consequence is interesting to some extent, I find it somewhat harmful because sometimes there’s some data that can be obtained by the wrong hands. But as our internet grows, its almost impossible to be as personal as possible as people can see more about you. On another note, the article that claims men post/contribute on Wikipedia is somewhat questionable as people can tend to hide their identity and not all the time is all statistics 100% accountable for. This is because it was said more women play more video games online hinting they likely use the internet a little more than men so the statistic to me is dubious.

Thomas Eland article response

Personally this article in my thoughts really speaks out about how the media can and sometimes cannot be trusted. While the press does have some control over what they distribute, they are often under the control of larger companies and media which unfortunately can limit and even affect the style of how its given. And sometimes it can be given in a manner that will be negative. Some examples I’ve personally taken to consideration is how the countries involved in the current war on terror are portrayed as war torn and almost damaged beyond repair while its been said to not be as damaged as it is portrayed. Another example was the ebola outbreak which was considered a serious threat when barely anyone got it in the U.S but the way they portrayed it in my perspective was likely the government’s way of hiding something since it did pretty much disappear from the media really quickly without any more mentions. Despite this the term “freedom of the press” might be used but to the extent of it is questionable to me.