Author Archives: pavel alekseev

how to swaddle a baby

I choose two videos about baby swaddling in order to shove there pros and cons. YouTube video is definitely shorter and I personally take it as a plus, because in case of video imaging, shorter means simplier. Moreover YouTube because of it accessibility and popularity content more comments, which is  can be very helpful too, if person who watch it needs second opinion. From the other side, babycenter video is more detailed and contain more explanation about the process itself. Besides this, video present more than one method of swaddling, and provide the reasoning for it. Cons for this one- no comments at all. Apparently people compeer videos by time and prefer spend two minutes instead six. › Video

documentation and sources

Both articles are very interesting and informative. ‘Vanishing Act’ describe the problem with lifetime of sources for magazines and ‘Documentation’ explain the importance of source citing and commenting in a way of better understanding and presentation for readers and authors. The fact that internet source live for so short period of time force me to be grateful that Wayback Machine is already exist. From the other side, historical explanation of collaboration experience not helping to fight with plagiarism, as far , as I understand  Hauptman, the auditorium always should be smarter and more erudition then the author, otherwise they will be mocked.


Search engine and sources

Joseph Goebbels told once that lie repeated million times became a true. Apperently that’s what happened in case of ‘ritual abuse’  and ‘google dilemma’. People always believe in what they want, and they always need somebody to blame too. Mass media is the tail which is swinging with the dog of course, but it’s still a dogs tail, in other words, media not reflected something, which is not appropriate by society , and society on the other hand, always use mass media as a mirror. In case of search engine precedents people should not to forget that actually web structure created by people, same as tools for searching information in the web and control quality of information, it’s all man maid and as a result not perfect at all.


I really enjoyed our little trip lately. In the first place I was familiar with BRIC before, because they stay behind organization of free music events during summer in Prospect park . The art space by it self are cozy and nice, the idea of exhibition clear and understandable(which is extremely rare for contemporary art). Different authors present almost all types of information as maps, which on my opinion, return us back to the map concept by itself. Originally maps use to present personal information about author experience in order to make it usable for others, and that’s what all artists illustrate beautifully.

I personally find all works very interesting, no matter if they shows some political information about the US bombing, or social data about gentrification, demographic change of population, winning lottery statistic or just ‘drowning of imaginary places’ as Patricia Smith describe her paintings.



Specifically in my case, library search can’t help me much. I type “Urban Dictionary”, “Crowdsourcing”, even “Modern English language influences” and all of this literally gave me nothing. Just tons of broad information, started from dictionary’s to architect articles. For this experiment I used City Tech library and NY Public library as well. From the other side, same definitions, during simple search on Google gave me much more. Of course it was still too much, and credibility of sources were very questionable but still it was something.

Drying this experiment I realize that my prime source will be periodical articles and blogs, than any other serious materials. Periodic articles and blogging are like informational  skin, they are extremely sensitive to any changes and influences and react on it much faster than anything else.

Research journal

My problems with research paper are pretty common though. First, it’s always difficult to find a good, interesting topic. Second, is even harder to formulate a good and sharp question. And thread, not forget that main target of research paper is to find a good answer too. I already find a tons of interesting material  and even narrow my question, in order to simplify it, but I’m still not sure  about the idea in general. However, it’s not as much time as I think in a first place. During my work I probably will use compare and contrast method in order to explain main idea and in light  the answer on my research question.

value of reaserch

Information is a value in our days. Same as any possible goods, like money, sex or drugs or anything else people can imagine, and the way how individuals can collect the information( data) is valuable too. We all hunting for information , like our ancestors hunting for mammoths, it’s matter of surviving for us. Badke not open something new when he describe how syntax, punctuation and word combination can help to reach information faster, personally, I was familiar with this technic pretty  long time ago. Interesting another fact, why people forget about this practice? Modern dat -providers built on a way where users can get easy access to any shallow sort of information and it’s basically cover needs of majority. Generation of users doesn’t need sophisticated research, they has no interest in it. And from the other side, people who involved in serious research understand how to search information empirically, the field dictate the rules of usage.  

internet neutrality

Idea of clear  uninfluenced research is utopian and I agree with author, possibility of changing it may occur only if socioeconomic paradigm will change. Otherwise: “who pays the piper calls the tune” will be our rule for everything and for all times. The case of Aaron Swartz of course stayed more on a practical field and reminded me more or less of Nabokov’s  The Luzhin Defence, where the main character preferred suicide as the best tactic for self defense when he crushed with reality of life.

Funny fact about last article: during my shift at the restaurant I asked all my clients what they think about internet neutrality – ninety seven people from all over the world and the United States. No one knew what a hell I was talking about. The idea is that most of the people are lazy and irresponsible by nature. They don’t care if somebody controls the speed of the internet or not, until they can use it, and I’m talking now not about scientific research use, it’s more about social network, games, music and shopping.

From that point where we are all now only time can show if regulation speed ruling is effective or not, but It’s look like Senator Ted Cruz was right and we have Obamacare for internet. Instead of having high and low speed, we all will enjoy the median one.