Why we document

It was quite interesting to read why we document things we write. I knew about the reasons Protection and Acknowledgment, but I never thought about Commentary, Tracing, or Validation. I always cited sources because I had to and to not get into trouble when it came to plagiarism, but now it makes sense that it also helps out readers in understanding a document more. Documentation adds credibility and further reading for those interested. With commentary the documentation can also add the author’s voice to the piece, without taking away from the main part of the document itself.

1 thought on “Why we document

  1. Daniel523

    I myself didn’t think it was important to comment and cite my work only to make the professor’s happy. But now I know that it’s important just so that people can see what they are either doing right or wrong and have someone’s opinion on their work. Documenting helps for people to understand the credibility. Just as I am commenting on this blog, the blogger can learn what I think and feel about his blog. Which is a great way to become better by learning from others or just changing their blogs.


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