Thomas Eland article response

Personally this article in my thoughts really speaks out about how the media can and sometimes cannot be trusted. While the press does have some control over what they distribute, they are often under the control of larger companies and media which unfortunately can limit and even affect the style of how its given. And sometimes it can be given in a manner that will be negative. Some examples I’ve personally taken to consideration is how the countries involved in the current war on terror are portrayed as war torn and almost damaged beyond repair while its been said to not be as damaged as it is portrayed. Another example was the ebola outbreak which was considered a serious threat when barely anyone got it in the U.S but the way they portrayed it in my perspective was likely the government’s way of hiding something since it did pretty much disappear from the media really quickly without any more mentions. Despite this the term “freedom of the press” might be used but to the extent of it is questionable to me.

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