NY Times And Chapter 1

Both the Ny Times Article and Chapter 1 of Research Strategies were very intresting to read. While reading the Ny Time, at first i could not understand what was meant by “teletext” and “videotext”. But afterĀ continuing reading i figured they were talking about all this electronic gear that we use today. Such as laptops, iPads, phones and etc. The article speaks about how life would be different with “teletext’ and “videotext”. And to me life has changed with all this technology that we have out. For me i cant even sit and have dinner without checking my phone, its sad to say but its true.Ā I even hear people say they can not live without their phone. Technology has taken a hugeĀ toll on many people. In chapter one, one of things that stuck with me was that “TheĀ drivingĀ force of the information is the world wide web”. It stuck with me because its true.Ā Personally i don’t findĀ it to be a bad thing, to me the internetĀ is just a useful tool in life.

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