The Google World

While in the article, James Grimmelmann explains how companies, individuals and even the  government tries manipulate google to make their job easier, its safe to say that google has a control of what people see, hear and read. In order to find what one is looking for, one must have the exact url, if not they just get off tracked and sent to many there websites that has nothing to do with what you’re looking for. Also while one might think they’re a internet sensation because of the hits they have accomplished, google doesn’t see it the same way in facts they focus on themselves and who’s using google and to google what. On another note, google has gotten bombed (googlebombs). But no matter how many bombs they throw at google, google will still keep doing what it does best and that feeding the servers and waiting for the results. More information on how google is in control, look at how they have destroyed the search king search engines from number 8 to number 4. Even though people might not like it google is at the top of search engines.

2 thoughts on “The Google World

  1. Orany M

    Although I do agree that Google is not perfect, I don’t think it is correct to say that Google destroyed Search King by changing the Page Rank number. Just like what Grimmelmann says, how does committing this act benefit them in anyway? According to the article, Google won the lawsuit against Search King because the way in which they chose to rank the pages is a form of free speech under law. With that said, the only logical conclusion was that Search King used (Google Bombs) or link farming, in order to make it seem as though Google was the bad guy.This situation brings back to memory an account in the “Devil in the Details” article under the book publishing subtitle. The editors that work for publishing companies prefer to provide quality books to the masses but books that will sell takes front row over quality. There is a clear picture here of how important a role popularity plays in what type of information that is shared with the public. Search King got the short end of the stick because it lacked popularity, plain and simple. So instead of looking at Google as the villain, the fact that Google has to juggle government manipulation, as well as aiming to be fair as possible to those who utilize its services should be considered.

    1. pavel alekseev

      And that’s why the Google is a bad gay. Google now is a dictator. Its not a regulator or a trader . It’s a company which put users in depends. It doesn’t mean anything except this: your with Google or you out of the boat. From that point people cant fight against Google any more, because precedent was occurred.


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