Mapping Brooklyn wrap-up, and spring break bonus blogging

Today we visited the Mapping Brooklyn exhibit at BRIC. For one bonus blog post point (due by 10 a.m. on 4/13/15), write a 100-word blog post in response to the following questions:

What map was the most interesting to you and why? How did viewing this exhibit change how you perceive maps in daily life? What information or data in your daily life would you like to visualize on a map? Why would it be helpful or interesting?

I distributed guidelines for the next research-paper-related assignment: the outline, due April 15. I’ll post guidelines for the research paper draft over spring break and distribute them in class on April 13.

Enjoy spring break, and remember, the City Tech library is open Monday-Friday 9-5 if you need a quiet place to study, use a computer, or print.

~Prof. Leonard


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