value of reaserch

Information is a value in our days. Same as any possible goods, like money, sex or drugs or anything else people can imagine, and the way how individuals can collect the information( data) is valuable too. We all hunting for information , like our ancestors hunting for mammoths, it’s matter of surviving for us. Badke not open something new when he describe how syntax, punctuation and word combination can help to reach information faster, personally, I was familiar with this technic pretty  long time ago. Interesting another fact, why people forget about this practice? Modern dat -providers built on a way where users can get easy access to any shallow sort of information and it’s basically cover needs of majority. Generation of users doesn’t need sophisticated research, they has no interest in it. And from the other side, people who involved in serious research understand how to search information empirically, the field dictate the rules of usage.  

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