Searching For The Right Search.

I never knew a topic/word search could be so intricate; all this time I have just been blindly putting in words into the search databases regardless if it was Google or Ebsco.Ā  Badke describes a searcher conductingĀ a broad search and coming up with 4,386 results this searcher ended up sifting through those results to try to find what he was looking for; all I could think of is ā€œThatā€™s meā€!Ā  I mean I donā€™t look through 4,000 results but I have looked through at least 100s of different results until I found what I needed.Ā  After reading chapter 3 of Badke I plan to start using, ā€˜andā€™, truncation, nesting and ā€˜orā€™; all of which I have never used deliberately while conducting a search.Ā  I have now seen the error in my ways and I plan to turn over a new leaf and to start searching the right way.

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