When did being creative become copying?

In the video by Lessig, “Laws that Choke Creativity” many strong points were made about the the laws of copyright as a force that prevents the production of new works. One of the key points that Lessig made that stood out to me was that the use of intellectual property to recreate something new was not copying as it becomes something entirely different. This fact lead me to believe that copyright holders and enforcers alike, use these laws as a means to protect financial interests rather than promote innovation. Luckily the world is changing and heading into a direction where the advancement in digital technologies expose the blatant abuse of copyright laws. For example, teenagers can now create their own unique music videos by using pieces from other videos and combine it into one. The beauty of this is that, it is something that is popular in our culture and is growing everyday. I believe copyright holders should allow students and everyone in general to build on their ideas because copying meant doing everything the same way last time I checked. And be honest, everyone wants to be different, that’s how we evolve as a human race.

1 thought on “When did being creative become copying?

  1. Kelly

    I completely agree. I feel that copy right laws is societies greatest blockade for innovation; and to be frank, that is the foundation of our being. People are constantly innovating and making the same thing, same concept, just a little bit better then the last. The copy right laws are now so strict to the point where innovating is becoming tricky. What people need to understand is that copying in moderation is essential for advancement. As long as the thing that they are so dearly protecting isn’t being copied entirely, and there is some modifications, I don’t see the issue.


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