Who invented who?

While humans invented the computer and its program, it seems to be that the world is controlled by technology. The technology has advanced greatly through out time. For example, Apple has made a great amount of money with its software and one of its greatest creation is the ITunes. With ITunes people can download music, books, articles, movies, sync apps, restore software etc. Leaving no room or no one wanting to buy books, DVD’s or anything else that can be downloaded or store through ITunes. Another technology that has rise within time and has taken a big impact on society is the smart TV, smartphone, and everything else that is a smart technology. The technology has shown that its like it has its own mind but know who its controller. While you have the smart phone that you can speak to and make an command, the smart TV has built in software that can either take you online or stream a live game that’s playing. One of the most interesting technology that I have encounter is the Xbox one. Made by Microsoft. Not using any controller or remote to control the gaming system, you can simply speak to it and make a command without touching anything. it simply recognize your voice and obeys your command. Its a way where you can communicate with technology and have the luxury of doing so many things. The person responsible for creating such device such as the computer and internet was to make life a little easier but also to make people work as hard as well.

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