Blast From The Past

I believe that reading from a hard cover copy is more effective than from reading on a tablet or a screen. On a tablet or on screen (ipad, iphone, etc.) people might feel comfortable reading but then you have the distraction on ads and pop ups getting in the way or maybe catching ones attention, which might have one clicking to see what the ad offers and will distract ones focus on reading and just have lost time from reading because one got caught up wondering what the ad was about. But on a hard copy or paper, you have the luxury of just focusing on the texts that are in front of you and not having the privilege to click on anything to take you away from the story. And even though there are ads on paper for example news paper and magazine, it doesn’t take you to a whole different page and change the screen. In the article, The Reading Brain in the Digital Age, it examines that people read slower, less accurately and less comprehensively on screens than on paper.

Finding archives online might seem like a easy task but not when people of monopoly of power has a chance to delete it before you getting a chance to find it. Anything posted online should be able to stay online unless it is a hacked from someone posting something of someone else with out their consent and permission. But besides the fact of hacking into someones account the information and texts that is posted online should be kept online to the public not be deleted and kept secured for the people of power only to be seen by. In the article, THE COBWEB, the author talks about how companies buys off other companies and are deleted people information without letting them know or if they do let them know they send them emails to old emails that can’t be access. The internet is suppose to be secured of peoples own information and should be decided by the their own rights if they want to delete its blogs or info.

1 thought on “Blast From The Past

  1. Alessandra

    Daniel, I agree with your thought on reading from a table versus reading from hard cover. I personally have wrote that I need to read on paper for educational purposes and I always believed it is because that’s how I began in school. However after reading your post, I realized the ads and pop-ups really get the best of me…especially if it’s a clothing ad. Another thought I wanted to add to yours was the new Kindle Fire, originally comes with ads. If you want the ad-free one, you have to purchase it for more money. I have several textbooks downloaded on my kindle that did not work out too well for me. Therefore I ended up still buying the textbook. Secondly, with the kindle, you sub consciously know that if you minimize your book, candy crush is right there waiting for you, and that’ll be the end of your studying!!!!


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