Reading the history leading up to the World Wide Web made me really think about how the internet isn’t all that great.  What really struck my mind was the section about speech and demonstration-before there was print.  The sense of learning from past generations has decreased dramatically and I blame technology. Everyone is always using social media to get messages across-usually incorrect or over dramatized information- or on their cellphones googling “life” or you-tubing “how to’s” – trying to avoid a trip to the doctor by performing home remedies. For me, demonstrating and physically doing are a better way to gain knowledge or open up your minds to “what if” – to encourage new knowledge. Part of my thought process I believe is due to my career, which is science based. What better way to learn new science than experimenting.


  1. Steeve

    I agree with most of what you are saying but to blame technology is a little too strong. Technology is just a tool we are the ones that decide how to use it. This technology has taken speech and demonstration to a whole other level, because back then we were sharing information around a campfire now we are able to share information with the whole world. Not all of the information is always share worthy I will admit, but a wider majority now has access to it than in the past. Also our values have changed we are no longer trying to uplift a village with our information just ourselves. So Alessandra the time that William Badke talks about in section 1.1 is long gone but it’s not all for the worst.


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