Here you will find all the modules for the old MAT 1175 Intermediate Algebra and Geometry Course.

I strongly suggest you all consider brushing up on Modules 1, 3, 4, and  5.

We will basically cover Modules 6, 7, 8, and 13 over the course of the semester. It would not hurt to get some additional practice.

Module 1- Fractions and Exponents

Module 2- Exponents and Scientific Notation

Module 3- Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Module 4-Systems of Linear Equations & Operations with Polynomials

Module 5- Factoring

Module 6- Rational Expressions

Module 7-Solve Rational Equations & Simplify Radical Expressions

Module 8-Solving radical and Quadratic Equations

Module 9- Parallel Lines, Triangles and Rectangles

Module 10- Congruent Triangles

Module 11- Parallelograms

Module 12- Similar Triangles and Pythagorean Theorem

Module 13- Right Triangle Trigonometry