Obed Ledezma – September 16th HW

What distinguishes semiology from linguistics is that semiology deals with signs, as for linguistics it is the scientific study of language. In the reading, it talks about how semiology is a science that studies “the life of signs within society that is conceivable.” Linguistic is a part of the general science of semiology in the reading its described as a tool for design to tell and describe with words so it can be understood, in order to understand what it is trying to say. These two terms show importance with communication and how it extends in order to be much deeper than just words or visuals.

When it comes to everyday language and signs we use them more than we know unconsciously. Whether it’s waving at someone or giving them the finger, signs are more than just a movement of the body even the ones signaling us to get to where we are going. I believe psychology plays a big part with signs, especially as a designer because you have to step outside of yourself in order to be the person from the outside to understand this sign and where it comes from as well as its meaning, origin, etc.

Signs, signifiers and the signified employed are general communications because of the concept and task they do in order to get their messages across. Its a form of general communication because it doesn’t make you think twice since it’s so commonly gazed upon on an everyday basis. While I was reading the passage I found that signifier can be termed as the form which the sign takes, and the signified is the concept the form takes. It could be described as something also automatic, where in your brain it’ll click and put the two together.

Angel O Sept. 16

When looking at signs and how we use them in everyday life we have to take a moment to look at the context. We take for granted the way we use signs sometimes because of how common place they have become in our lives. 

     Semiology which is the backbone of understanding the language of signs and linguistics plays a major role into the understanding of our modern society’s communication.  Looking at linguistics which is a part of semiology we see it play a role by bringing the social and cultural influences of what makes language.  This shapes our understanding of the development of language in a whole. Semiology is different because it can be broken into parts categorized as signifiers, signified, and sign which together create a general communication basis.  The signifier which is the sound associated with or the image of something example (tree).  The signified which is the idea or concept of something (example tree).  finally the sign which is the combination of both the signifier and signified which together form a meaningful unit.  

    By putting these ideas together modern society/graphic communication is able to achieve a language that most people can decipher for everyday negotiation.  Looking at language graphic communication and visual arts we are able to see some similarities through the execution. Language having a distinct recognizable way to communicate concepts is important. Graphic communication comes into play by making sure these forms are easily understood by a large demographic of society. Visual arts comes Into this by actively discovering ways to convey these messages in a way that is easily interpreted by the people come into contact with these symbols regularly.

Dennis U. September 16

  1. The difference between semiology and linguistics is that one speaks for it self and the other show’s sign to get the meaning. In the reading it gave examples of how linguistics is used for to describe something or what the reading say’s” to delimit and define itself. How the reading describes linguistics, as tool for design is to tell and describe with words so it can be understood and what is trying to say. However, it is much different with semiology where it deals with signs instead of speaking. This is mostly used in art where there is no words but to look and see what does it mean but describe what it actually is. After all, in the article it say’s that sense there wasn’t any science back then people well had to result in pictures or sign to understand what it means. Even though they both function differently they both have a similar idea where it is trying to make a point and this technique is used to help with designers.
  2. The semiology of signs is used for today. For example, street signs it show’s that to be aware of people crossing or bump signs which help the drivers to slow down. The reason we have these sign is to drive safety and make sure there wasn’t any accidents. As a gamer as myself there is the rating system which show the violence that it has. The rating system is used for kids to much sure to not play the violent games. The meaning of signs just helps people to understand what to do because when someone sees the sign that person knows what to do.
  3. Signs may say something but it helps communicate that this is bad or this is good. After all, there are people who are deaf that can even hear but with signs it helps to understand better so they can relied on that then with hearing. Another, way it communicates even at the plane where the signs show the seat belts and something else I forgot the other sign. Over all, signs are a message to are brain where it tells us that sense I saw that sign it’s safe or not.
  4. Back to the first question that even though language, graphic communication and visual arts are different it can follow same method. After all, all three have one thing in coming and it is to get the message through and by showing in these ideas. Another, way they’re related to each other is that as graphic designers it can help to be creative and tried to design that others can understand. Plus, making something were people can understand helps show that this message and by using the methods it can help spread in one way or another.

Zikai Chen (Week Two, 9/16)

After to reading this article, I found semiology and linguistics is very related to each other, I think linguistics part of the semiology because the linguistics is about speaking, people have to spend time and speak out to others, then the semiology about shows, a sign gives all the information to someone, they get meaning by themselves, and base on the reading, they talk about someone lost their voice, they can’t speak anymore. So the linguistics is a kind of limitation, is not applicable for everyone, but there is no such disadvantage from semiology.

The sign still very useful today, just like street sign (Stop, school, cation, slow, etc), every drive will understand immediately and follow the street rule, also people will see that traffic light for cross the road safely, the sign of ( ABCFD123etc) trains on New York City Subway also prove it. There are so many things that explain sometimes the sign is much better than speaking or word.

Avion Bailey (September 16)

I found our most recent reading assignment “ Course in General Linguistics” very intense and somewhat confusing. Personally, not being used to the words and format of this article, it became hard to understand what the author is trying to convey. Though what did take from the article is that language itself is very intricate and complex. In the article, he makes a distinction between speaking and writing (though the distinction with writing isn’t so clear).

I quote “Language is a system of signs that express ideas and is therefore comparable to a system of writing, the alphabet of deaf-mutes, symbolic rites, political formulas, military signals etc”. Does this mean language is a system of signs that are not physical? Therefore it must be speech, correct? Though the author makes it independent from speech. Calling it the side of speaking in which you can study or the “social side of speech”. It exists not to the individual but confined to the interactions among a community. 

What I retained from this article is, language is far more complex than just talking. It isn’t about the sounds you make or the sounds you apply to an object. It focuses on the ideas and images perceived used but auditory exchanges.

Rana Abdelnaby September 16

General Linguistics.

From reading the text, I learned that the two terms semiology and linguistics are related but have different functions. After several readings, I found that semiology deals with signs, while linguistics is the scientific study of language. Also, semiology shows what constitutes signs, the law governing them and the idea from the perspective of culture while linguistic is a part of the general science of semiology . Although it was not clear when I first read the text, I found that language is essential since it is a system of signs expressing ideas; therefore, it becomes compatible with the aspect of writing, symbolic rites, military signals or polite formulas.

Use of Signs in Everyday Language.When studying Signs, I found that they are an important aspect of life to communicate a specific idea effectively. The combination of a concept and sound-image without involving any form of speech is a sign that signifies a fact or illustration . I my daily life, I come across the need to use sign to deliver a message or emphasize a certain issue. I have seen signs being used as in traffic lights, zebra crossing and waving a hand to say goodbye or even clapping hands to appreciate something or congratulate an accomplishment.

Signs, Signifiers, and the Signified uses in Communication.In general communication, the sign emerges from a combination of signifier and signified to portray a particular concept. I come across signifier while reading and found that it can be termed as the form which the sign takes, and the signified is the concept the form takes . For instance, I can say that since a sign has both signifiers and signified, a sign with the word “Closed” when invented in a shop’s door becomes the signifier, and signified impression is “the shop is closed for business”.

Language, Graphic Communication and Visual arts Relationship.Finally, I found the concepts of language, graphic communication, and visual arts are related as they are involved in communicating a particular idea. From my personal experience and reading the text, I have learned that graphic communications use language through signs in designed visual cues to transmit a message to the viewers . Either the graphic or visual art communication is used extensively through the use of contours, shapes, color and texture not only to portray a message but also, to show emotions, experience, altitude or concept.



Assignment for September 16

Our second reading will be an excerpt from Ferdinand de Sausurre’s Course in General Linguistics. We’ll read the second and third chapters from the Introduction, as well as the first and second chapters from Part One.

Here is a PDF: Saussure_GenLing_exc

Here are the questions for this reading:
Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics provides a major contribution to the study of language and introduces a new field referred to as Semiology. What distinguishes semiology from linguistics? How do we use signs in everyday language? How are signs, signifiers, and the signified employed in general communication? How are language, graphic communication and visual arts related to or distinct from one another?

Glenn Compitello September 9th

Rudimentary communication methods throughout history have been used in graphic design since the beginning. These tactics were mostly used as the basics of graphic design. 

The Bauhaus school used a “communication method of emotional detachment for a more rational and universal approach.” The bauhaus school choose to not let their emotions get in the way of their designs. This really helped make the group a powerhouse in the design world because of the strong communication with the public. This idea of “emotional detachment” is brought up a lot during the article explaining how different designers used it for a more clear and subjective message. Also dives into how a lot different eras of design like 1950-60s in how america separated themselves from the international era of design for a more Corporate approach. Now how technology is so good that the informational systems are so easy to use anyone can make designs.


Jessica Helfard talks about how designers in the past made things that challenged social and societal norms. Most designers nowadays should “approach complex problems” in a similar fashion. A modern designer can really have a stronger message if they communicate about it through their design. I think this really supports why contemporary designers should concern themselves with older designs. For example, “Rodchenko, Moholy-Nagy and Bayer attempted to actively reshape their societies through design….. New Soviet Union they transformed individual artistic intent into a collective utopian vision.”  This example really brings out the idea of understanding of using social issues in design. 


“As the new millennium unfolds, graphic designers create within a vest pulsating network in which broad audiences are empowered to produce and critique.” This example talks about how the internet has made everyone’s design accessible. Especially with social networks like pinterest anyone can upload a design and get critiqued about it. I think honestly that the vast network out in the internet can help designers mostly with newer strategies. Even just finding something that looks interesting and fun putting a individual spin on it can have a big impact.Â