Monthly Archives: May 2019

Learning Log 11

This photo has a great example of dramatic split lighting.

This photo has a good example of some leading lines.

This photo also uses split lighting but in a broader way since the side of his face that the flash comes off of is more toward the camera.

This photo uses nice flash lighting and it also makes it look like he is floating a little bit.

This shot is unique with the ice cream cone and the different pops of color from the sprinkles and her hair really go well with the flash.

Final Project Shot List- The Girl Without Hands

Link to fairytale:

  1. The miller in the forest collecting wood
  2. The miller looks up from collecting wood and sees the wizard
  3. The wizard comes over to him offers him money and points past him over to his tree behind his mill
  4. The miller accepts the money and believes that the wizard is going over to his apple tree.
  5. The  miler’s daughter is actually behind the mill sweeping and sees the wizard approaching her
  6. The daughter draws a circle around herself with chalk to protect herself from the wizard taking her…The miller realizes that the wizard wants his daughter and not the tree
  7. The wizard confronts the miller and demonstrates to him cutting off her hands or else the wizard would take him instead
  8. The father looks down at his daughter contemplating about cutting off her hands while the daughter kneels down with her wrists exposed
  9. The daughters hands are cut off (not actually going to cut anybodys hands off)
  10. The wizard departs the scene

Final Project “Snow white fairytale”

“Snow white fairytale”

My final project will present snow white story  I will use take shoots that  will represent the character in different scenes that we know from the fairy tale.

1. Snow white in her custom.

2.     Snow white holding the bird.

3.   snow white taking to the seven draws

4.       snow white singing in the garden by herself.

5.       snow white holding the candle inside her cave.

6.      snow white holding the apple.

7.       snow white holding the cup and she will be seeing the wicked witch.

8.     snow white with the mirror.

9.      snow white poisoned and sleeping on the bed.

10.   snow white awake and back to her life.