Homework #1

The photographer that I chose is a portrait photographer named Michael Muller. I was automatically attracted to his work and his style of shooting portraiture. After observing some of his work I noticed almost all of his work is very bold and dramatic in the way it was shot. There seemed to be a lot of concentration of dramatic light and shadow in his work as well as emotion. This photograph I chose by him was one of my favorite ones that I saw from him.  I was really drawn to this particular photo not only for the dramatic light and shadow placement but also for how the photo is composed. This photo clearly portrays the rule of thirds with a great amount of contrast for light and shadow. The subject of the photo is centered-left with half of his face consumed by shadow and the light appearing on the other half giving this photo an emotional feel to it. Muller used the rule of thirds in this photo with having the subject’s T-zone aligned to the guidelines that are focal points in the photograph. Also the subject staring directly into the camera shows a piercing and stern look which also adds to the emotional aspect of the photo.

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