Author Archives: Silvana Comori

Street Photography

For today’s street photography, I based it off of randomness and also asking people to pose for me. I also tried to focus on where the sun was coming from and angles and facial expressions so it can add another element to my photo. Lastly I made sure to fill the frame. I really enjoyed today because the people I asked didnt mind me taking their picture and also made two Instagram friends.


I chose this photograph because the theme from this container was homelessness in New York City. This photo caught my attention because of the amount of emotion that was captured here.  If you look closely, there are tear drops in this persons eyes.  And something about his facial expression just caught my attention overall. Another thing I love about this photograph is that its black and white. I personally think that black and white images capture more emotions. what im getting from this image is both pain/anger due to his facial expression, and the tear drops. My overall experience I enjoyed going to Photoville, this is my second time going. The first time around I randomly found it while adventuring around in Dumbo. Now that I know they organize this every year I will be attending every year.

Homework#1-Photographer Blog Post

The photo I chose was by Alex Noriega- Landscape photography. I chose this photo because it is a true beauty to look at. I see that he really used the rule of thirds for this photo. To me the focus point is the water because it has a flow/motion feel, it is leading towards the middle of the image. Also the colors he has in this photo adds another layer of beauty to it. This photo is relaxing to look at.

100Photos-Moonlight: The Pond

The photo I chose is Moonlight: The Pond, taken by Edward Steichen. I chose this photo because I love nature its very relaxing to me and its a nice place to adventure around and get great shots. Also this specific photo is meant to play tricks because is it a photo or a painting? answer is, its both. I like this photo because it has you guessing, the focus point to me is the reflection in the pond. Also he executed very well blending both the photo & painting.