My First Meeting

I was elated to finally meet my internship supervisor and one of her staff in person! They gave me a quick overview of their organization and I learned additional information I was not aware of. For example, when they accept a client, besides training them they also teach them how to dress for success. They make it clear to clients that they offer so much than just training and finding employment.

After, we went over the main goal of updating their website. They showed me all of the pages that needed updating and future enhancements. For example, it is very hard to find their contact page so they want to add contact forms for each of the programs they offer. The plan is to have all of the programs listed on one page with a link to the contact form. This way the data will go directly to the person overseeing the program. Another nice feature they want is live chat similar to this:

Source: The New School

This will allow the staff to communicate instantly with a prospective client. I advised them to install it minimized so that people are not distracted or annoyed by a popup window. When no one is available, visitors will be able to leave a message with their email.

We also went over their social media sites and my design ideas.