Ethics in Graphic Design: Part 1


The projects I have been given involves illustrations and images.  As the AIGA Design and Business Ethics Handbook stated, “illustration can transcend the limits of the written word”, my organization wants to utilize infographics within their website. For the purpose of this internship, I will be utilizing all illustrations via Freepik, a stock graphic company.  Although the free graphics are fine for personal use, I will be using their premium graphics because they are more professional and I have a paid subscription. However, once picked, I cannot use this graphic for another client nor hand over an editable file.    

All images used for the purpose of designing their website and social media pages (such as banners) will come from Freepik, Unsplash or Pixabay.  The last two provide free images for non-commercial and commercial use without attribution, however, I have to be aware of any images requiring a model release.  As stated in the AIGA handbook, “the stock agency may limit use of photographs because releases have not been obtained from models”.  Photos such as staff and clients will be provided to me via their in-house photographer.

My organization does not have an official logo and informed me that they can’t create one for their website because they fall under a parent organization.  However, they can create a badge or label graphic for the purpose of their social media platforms. 


“Use of Illustration” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard Grefé, AIGA.

“Use of Photography” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard Grefé, AIGA.


I did not have to sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement with the organization I am interning with.  The two main projects I have worked on are updating their website and social media platforms.  Most of the information is already public knowledge and the new pages I create will be for the public. 

I can understand, however, the purpose of these agreements. No company wants to hire someone who will turn around and sell their trade secrets.  The sample Non-Disclosure Agreement shown on Scribd is a great example of why this agreement is needed.  The owner makes and sells sensors, therefore, their designs could be unique in order to compete in the fishing industry. The recipient supplies the raw materials needed for the sensors, however, they probably provide materials to many companies.  With the owner’s specs on hand, the recipient could sell or share the specs with a competing company for monetary gain. Having a Non-Disclosure or confidentiality agreement will prevent this from happening.

As designers, we have an ethical responsibility to uphold our client’s trust.  However, I understand when a company requires a Non-Disclosure Agreement for design work.  99designs is a great place for inspiration and articles about design.  They also have design contests with an option for the client to make their contest private.  Before you can view the contest, you must agree to their Non-Disclosure Agreement.  Once you submit a design, you can’t show the actual design on the web anywhere else.  This is great for start-up companies because they want something unique and don’t want someone else copying their design. However, designers want to be able to showcase their work, whether they won a contest or not. You can show the work if you use a generic company name for the design. I believe this is fair for both parties.   As part of their code of ethics for their members, the Australian Graphic Design Association has a section about members’ responsibilities to clients.  It refers to the confidentiality of “all information of a client’s organization and activities that is not available through public records”. Going back to my internship, it would be unethical for me to share information not posted on their website and social media platforms.  This is one of the reasons why they will be updating their success stories page because it contains too much personal information.  


“Code of Ethics.”,

“Non Disclosure Agreement | PDF | Confidentiality | Non Disclosure Agreement.” Scribd, Accessed 9 Mar. 2023.

What Is a Private Contest? – 99designs Help Center.