My First Meeting

I was elated to finally meet my internship supervisor and one of her staff in person! They gave me a quick overview of their organization and I learned additional information I was not aware of. For example, when they accept a client, besides training them they also teach them how to dress for success. They make it clear to clients that they offer so much than just training and finding employment.

After, we went over the main goal of updating their website. They showed me all of the pages that needed updating and future enhancements. For example, it is very hard to find their contact page so they want to add contact forms for each of the programs they offer. The plan is to have all of the programs listed on one page with a link to the contact form. This way the data will go directly to the person overseeing the program. Another nice feature they want is live chat similar to this:

Source: The New School

This will allow the staff to communicate instantly with a prospective client. I advised them to install it minimized so that people are not distracted or annoyed by a popup window. When no one is available, visitors will be able to leave a message with their email.

We also went over their social media sites and my design ideas.

Infographics Counter

I was somewhat anxious about getting started because time goes so fast during the semester and my supervisor hadn’t given me an assignment yet. She got in touch with me and basically explained what their current goals was. Although they have great programs, their online presence is in need of a makeover. Their first goal is to update their website so that it matches with the college’s overall theme. She explained to me how they had already started the process of updating their website by contacting the college’s web programmer. They were shown some templates to look at and to choose from. After I informed her that I would work with the programmer, she had some questions about extra features she wanted for the site. One feature is for visitors to be able to see how many people they serviced and how many were placed with jobs. I informed her this sounded like a script or info-graphics and she was delighted.

My first task was to do research. Although info-graphics can accomplish the goal, it is not feasible to keep updating the graphics as the numbers change. I wanted to find something that anyone in her organization can easily update on the back-end. Since I have prior years of experience working with WordPress sites, I basically knew what to look for. After doing research I found the perfect script for the website, shown below.

Source: Example Counter by

The great news about this script is that it only takes a minute to update the stats on the back end. Once you save it the data is automatically updated on the website.

3. Workplace Culture

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Since my internship is 100% remote, I don’t have to worry about attire. The organization I work with operate weekdays only from 9am to 5pm. I had explained to my supervisor that since I work full-time during the day I would have to carry out my assignments in the evening and on the weekends. She had no problem with this as she knows many students also work during the day. Our concern was about making sure we communicate with each via email or phone. We worked out a solution in where she would only contact me during the day during lunchtime. However, I did inform her that I can talk after work if necessary and on the weekends. Since she is the Director she had no problem with this. The majority of the communication will be via email.

When I visited their site I saw that she had a small staff and she connected me to one of her staff who will be assisting me with my tasks. Everyone seems very friendly and helpful which fits in with their mission of helping people. The atmosphere was casual and informal yet you can see the staff busy working.

2. My Role

Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

Besides my full-time job, I also work part-time with the School of Professional Studies at City Tech. My supervisor there had sent out a group email to some areas she communicates with asking them if they were in need of a graphic design student intern. Most had responded yes but only a few actually reached out to me. However, after the initial contact, I didn’t get anymore responses. There was one area I was really interested in working with because of their mission of helping undeserved communities. After a couple of weeks of no response, I then took it upon myself to reach out again and got a response. Shermira Busby, the Director of Business & Industry Training Center was delighted to hear from me again and informed me she was interested. She had apologized about not contacting me earlier due to a proposal she was working on. She briefly asked me what I can offer as a graphic designer and about my scheduling. That was basically it for an interview.

My role within the internship will be helping them redo their current website and update all of their social media pages. I will be working with the web programmer to go over all of the design details needed to create their new site such as color, layout, images, forms and scripts. For their social media pages I will be designing them to reflect the new look of their website. Their goal is to market their online presence to attract more clients for their services.

1. Internship Site Bio

Source: BIWTC

The Business & Industry Workforce Training Center (BIWTC) is a part of New York City College of Technology’s Continuing Education Center. They are located at 25 Chapel Street, a couple of blocks down from City Tech. BIWTC currently has 6 staff members and 2 Instructors.

BIWTC has 4 programs: building maintenance, construction, direct care training to work with developmentally disabled adults and children and family development training. Their main mission is to provide vocational and educational training to unemployed, underemployed and low income residents of New York City. They also provide counseling, referrals, workshops and workforce preparation.

I couldn’t find any news articles about BIWTC, however, I did find success stories about their programs. They were interested to read because they provided real stories on how people were helped by attending their programs. One story was about a Brooklyn resident of a NYCHA in seek of work. He was referred to BIWTC where he finished their building maintenance program and became a painter’s apprentice with NYCHA. It was enlightening to read that NYCHA hires trained residents to maintain their buildings.