Tag Archives: Queens

Gulab Jaman

Gulab Jaman is a dessert made mainly from milk solids. Traditionally from Khoya, which is milk reduced to the consistency of a soft dough. Modern recipes call for dried/powdered milk instead of Khoya. And is sometimes garnished with dried nuts like almonds to enhance flavor. It was served to my classmates and I cold. To me, it tastes like flavorless cake soaked in sweetened condensed milk. The texture was soft and a little grainy. It was definitely a once in a life time try, I did not enjoy eating it but at least I can say I tried it.



During our trip to Astoria ,Queens I was introduced to a pastry call Spanakopita (Greek Spinach Pie)

This is an authentic, really rich pie stuffed with spinach, onions, feta and herbs that are all enfolded by crispy, flaky phyllo dough. It was savory and seems like something you would eat for breakfast or maybe for lunch. You can find it or make it into different shapes like snack-sized, triangles, even rolls or cigars. While looking up what Spanakopita is I found that in Greece less amounts of spinach is sometimes used and leeks, chard or sorrel would be used to substitute for spinach. I would definitely eat this again, it reminded me of Baklava which is a Greek dessert that also made with phyllo dough.

Tiropita is also similar to the spinach pie, with layers of phyllo dough but filled with a cheese and egg mixture