Tag Archives: jackson heights

Gulab Jaman

Gulab Jaman is a dessert made mainly from milk solids. Traditionally from Khoya, which is milk reduced to the consistency of a soft dough. Modern recipes call for dried/powdered milk instead of Khoya. And is sometimes garnished with dried nuts like almonds to enhance flavor. It was served to my classmates and I cold. To me, it tastes like flavorless cake soaked in sweetened condensed milk. The texture was soft and a little grainy. It was definitely a once in a life time try, I did not enjoy eating it but at least I can say I tried it.


During our trip to Jackson Height we stopped at a Indian Sweet shop where they made something called Jalebi which is also known as Zulbia and Zalabia. When I looked up what Jaleb was it is a sweet popular food in some parts of South Asia, West Asia, North Africa, and East Africa. It is made by deep-frying Maida flour batter in pretzel or circular shapes, which are then soaked in sugar syrup.
My first impression of Jalebi was that it doesn’t look to appealing but sometimes looks can be deceiving. The first bite I was expecting it to be chewy maybe like taffy but it was hollow with a slight crunch. It was like eating a stale chip. It is suppose to be sweet but I barely tasted sweetness. Me and some of my peers agreed that it tasted like fired oil with a lightly sweetened honey, that was not enjoyable