Jiggling Jellyfish

Joes Shanghai 

24 W 56th Street

NY, NY 10019

(between 5 and 6 avenue) 



Went out with my coworker for lunch at Joe’s Shanghai Midtown. She asked if I ever had jellyfish, I replied no but I am willing to try it. I was a little apprehensive at first, because I didn’t know how it would look, how to eat it and how it would taste. When the waiter placed the plate on the table, I couldn’t help but think that this dish looks like noodles, slightly thicker but just as bouncy as noodles. Building up my anticipation, I was expecting an unusual taste. Although it was very tasty, there were no uncommon flavors. The jellyfish was served in sesame seed oil and soy sauce for flavor with a side serving of ginger to enhance the taste. But there were no exploding taste except for that of the sesame seed oil and soy sauce. I used chop sticks to eat the jellyfish but you can use a fork and twirl it like spaghetti. Filled with texture, it is smooth with a gelatinous feel of jello but crunchy as you chew into it. Think of the crunch of a carrot or cucumber. Jellyfish is a Chinese traditional dish and has been eaten for thousands of years. It’s considered a treat and served at weddings, holidays, and other special occasions. Overall I enjoyed my first jellyfish dish and it is something that I will eat again in the future. 


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