K-Iteration 1

For our first assignment students were asked to develop a set of patterns.


Scaled Iterations – Experimenting with scale. Finding the the proper proportions to make the next set of iterations.



First Iteration – Use of circles and a weaving as a pattern, that became a cube that expresses the pattern on every side. inspiration came from a game called β€œLoop”:maxresdefault


Second Iteration – Use of a hexagonal form with a thin frame. Multiple laser cut patterns of this type can create a screen or larger three dimensional object depending on its configuration. My inspiration came from this Japanese fabric design:japanese-pattern-10868290


Third Iteration – For this iteration I thought of combining the ideas from my first two iterations. Using the idea of a pattern that can be symmetrical or asymmetrical and could be used as a panel or structural design.  This idea looks similar to Frank Lloyd Wright’s, Ennis House:  http://ennishouse.com/gallery/


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