p5_Voorhees Building Lobby

The Voorhees Lobby has an exhibit space that I have arranged many pop up exhibits for the Architectural Technologies department. This space is shared with the all the departments in the building, but  is mostly used by the Architectural Technologies department.

During the planing of the exhibits, we find lack of storage space. Mostly the pinned up work is hung from the ceiling, that is mounted in a foam board. The documents are hung to leave more space for the model exhibits. Some work is hung on the wall as well.

The most important issue in this space is exhibition space, lack of podiums, stands, etc, for models to be exhibited. The current condition required one to bring down exhibit stands to display anything in 3d form. This has been a challenge for the department since the exhibits are in use all year wound, and can not be programed to be used in the lobby.  lobbyorig

The main addition needed for this space is model stands. By adding STATIC shelf units and floor stands, we will be just bring down more exhibit events, and display our work to the school and visitors.


This image is a perspective of the shelf units that are visible when one enters the building. lobbyrender2

When one enters this space they will be greeted with floor exhibits.


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