H-Voorhees Room Layout 1


V834.A and V834.B  Configuration 1

This configuration features an additional cubby room in-between both classrooms.  The additional cubby space has enough space to fit 5 additional work stations.

Lab V834.A  โ€“ Even with the space subtracted due to the additional cubby space, the room can still fit 22 work stations comfortable.  Each work station is 42โ€ณ away from each other.

Lab V834.B โ€“ This room suffered more from the change.  The desks had to be much closer together to fit the workstations.  The only possible way to fit extra workstations is to make the workstation desks smaller. I believe we do not need to have 3โ€ฒ  depth desks.  I believe 2โ€ฒ depth is enough for the students.  There is no drafting being done in these rooms so that adds the emphasis of not needing big desks.


V834.A and V834.B  Configuration 2

Same as configuration 1, this space features a central cubby.

Lab V834.A  โ€“  In this layout, the desks are oriented in a different direction.  This allows for more student on student contact which would improve communication during group projects.

Lab V834.B โ€“ After many layout generations, changing the overall room configuration proved unsuccessful.  This may be from the room entry placement.



V834.A and V834.B  Configuration 3

This configuration features a small cubby location in room V834.A The cubby can fit 3 workstations and one printer.

Lab V834.A  โ€“ Even with the space subtracted due to the additional cubby space, the room can still fit 22 work stations comfortably.  The presentation space was significantly reduced.  We will need the space because it is important to have close interactions as a group in the class rooms.

Lab V834.B โ€“ Nothing was changed to the room, so we can leave the room as it is.


It is possible to change the overall desk size to something more efficient.  Our current desk are way to big and bulky.  We do not need this extra space.  Our current desk size is 48โ€ณ by 36โ€ณ.  We can change our desk size to 42โ€ณ x 24โ€ณ and still be comfortable at our work stations.

The orientation of student desks vs prof. vs projector should play a big factor in educational efficiency.  As a student, I believe I am more attentive when the projector is located perpendicular to my station instead of directly in front of me.  When I constantly have to more left and right to view the screen, it keeps more awake and busy.  When I view the screen directly, I tend to daze off and honestly, start working on outside work on the computer.

Are there any other possibilities? In stead of moving desks around, is it possible to rethink the idea of our learning proficiency?   I learn the best when I am surrounded by other students and work together on a similar task.  When I am interacting and discussing ideas, I tend to retain more interest and focus.


Total Time 5H

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