H โ€“ Voorhees Hall Chair v2 Concrete

This week I spent most of my time on casting concrete for my chair design.

After last weeks failed attempt at casting (concrete hardened too quick) I took extra precautions to make this attempt more successful.

I finished modeling the chair v2 on rhino to get an  accurate understanding of what I am attempting to accomplish.


This chair design is much sleeker than the previous.  It is also much more sturdier if the concrete comes out correct of course.

I choose to focus on the concrete cast. Base off of my last chair design v1, CNC milling the wood pieces was successful so I should not have a problem making the new wood pieces.

I started with 2 concrete molds made of foam.  Each piece of foam was milled with tapered edges so that the concrete does not attach to the mold.


Then I applied vegetable oil to the mold to act as a release agent.  I did not have paste wax on hand so I took a risk and tried to oil, knowing that it may not work.


I then places stopper nuts on the correct position so that the 3/8โ€ณ threaded rod would fit exactly in place when the time came.  The nut will be secured into the concrete making a better bond.


I then strained the concrete to get rid of the larger aggregates. Since my mold is only 1.25โ€ณ thick, I cannot have large aggregates because the concrete will not be able to settle correctly.


I substituted the large aggregates with fiber glass strands.  In theory the stands will provide tensile strength to the concrete and make it a lot more stronger.



I poured the concrete into the mold.  Taping and shaking the mold so that the concrete would settle correctly.


I then took the concrete out of the mold. The vegetable oil worked!!  I will be able to use the mold again.



The second cast was not successful.  The piece cracked when I attempted to take it out.  Maybe the concrete was not cured enough. After all I only waited about 48h.


I will able to use the molds again so this time I will wait longer for the cure.  One piece will be useful for the final prototype.

Next step is to CNC the wood pieces and start assembly.


Total time: 10h

Total Cost: about $50 (including foam)

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