Tag Archive: Research


Monotony (In class)


Variety (In class)


Variety (Song of choosing)

Monotoney (Song of choosing)

Monotoney (Song of choosing)

After hearing two songs of my choosing, i visualize the sounds in 2 different ways, one being monotonous, and the other having variety. With the song bringing variety, i can hear the pitch of the instruments moving up and down to give it a beautiful tempo with the combined orchestrated instruments, as if it drew waves up and down everywhere it went. Towards the end, the pitch really picks up, as if it was a big finish, before going down again to finish on a soft, light note. as if the big change of pitch was in the background, being the moment of the whole song. the whole time, you would have your mind flowing up and down like a steady wave, rising up even further once the lift came in. Overall, it was a pleasant experience.

Now for the monotonous song, i chose a song that was rather dull and depressing for anyone to hear. the one thing i automatically was fixed on through the entire song was the tempo, as if it was constantly tapping in a slow and steady pace, Tap…….tap…….tap……..tap. When i think of the separation of the taps, i think of straight lines going from one end to the other, getting heavier as it ends. combined with the tempo with pitches of tones that makes the mind focus on one point, and you have something that can get monotonous rather quickly. Its as if it makes you feel if your stuck in some sort of limbo in which you can’t seem to break free from, since your so fixed on the tempo.

Throughout the whole process of this project, I can’t say it was that easy to do. I would say this project was not only a way for students to see what’s coming along the way, but also to see exactly how long and how hard you have to work to have a final piece of work that comes out to your satisfaction. Part one didn’t matter too much, but when the inking and paper came along, it really puts your precision and handling to the test, since the task was to refine your work as best as you can. If I were to have any regrets, it would be how my final product for the paper piece came out. Regardless of if I took my time, it came out rather rough and inaccurate. I would guess if I had used an actual exacto knife, it would have came out better, but I still think the blade I used would have replicated my actions on the exacto knife as well. The inking part I did twice, since the first time I did not really grasp the understanding of stable and ambiguity. on my second attempt, I took more time to review with my classmates and professor to get a better idea what I could have done better. Overall, the first inked project took me around one hour, while the refined one took me about two. I’m sure if I were to go back to the paper piece, it would take me another hour to refine it, making it from the initial three hours, to four. overall, this project took me about six hours and twenty minutes to complete as a whole. I’m sure for my next project, ill start taking more examples from the classwork and applying the same effort to my work as well, regardless of how long it might take to do so.


This is my final product that came upon completing the project. I wouldn’t call it the neatest, but I still think it shows that I made quite an effort to do it and complete it in the time it took me, which was three hours. When I was cutting out the black paper, I didn’t use an exacto knife, since I did not have one at the time, luckily I had a sharp blade I was able to use to get the job done, and judging by the look of the final piece, I still have a lot to learn about using a blade to cut clean lines, which in my opinion was the hardest part. I had scissors to help make it look more smoother, but it didn’t help too much. If given the chance, I would go back and do it again, if time was not such a restraint.

Inked Thumbnails

Inked Thumbnails

Distort (Verb) : to twist awry or out of shape; make crooked or deformed

source of definition: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/distort?s=t


I encountered this word on Wednesday presentation of “Ways of seeing”, as the guide was talking about how we as people view art in different perspectives, weather its because of the color and mood it gives us, or the unique use of  normal or distorted shapes used to make up the image. When he uses the word distort, he talks about it upon the perspective of the painting that was viewed to us. He asks what do these distorted shapes make us feel, or how we view the picture and the message it gives off to the viewer.

Example of Distort:

Distortion of words in adobe photoshop

Distortion of words in adobe photoshop




 From my window, its not much to look at, but rather it all depends on the time of day, or even the year to see it at a diffrent perspective. As of now, from  my apartment building on the third floor, the first thing that catches my eye are the huge trees that stand in the middle of the area. since the weather is still warm and sunny, the trees give off a vibrent green glow from the sun giving the area more color and life. The area sadly is usually dull, with just dirt and soil, you barley see any grass grow on it, the only time the ground isn’t boring is when its covered with the orange auitum leaves, or the crisp white snow of the winter. ther area is pretty much sealed off, to the right side of my view is a wide staircase going up to the long, 2 way street thats on the side of my building, and to the left is a parking lot, connected to a publuc park thats on the other side of my building. right infront of my view is another brick building, identical to mine, with windows from diffrent rooms from diffrent apartments you can see into sometimes. the main point of the area by far has to be the single green light post, sitting in the middle of the view. The lightpost has somewhat of an old school look, possibly dating back to the 1900’s, but its the one thing that stands out the most at night, prior to the illuminating lights from the windows of the opposite apartment. its the one thing i adore looking at durring the night. It’s bright, white light gives off a warm, safe kinda feeling when you look at it in the middle of the night, being the only thing that illuminates the dark in that area.