Problem #3- Flats


For is problem we ran the scenery crew at City Tech. We had to build flats from the given drawings (GP, E1, E2, and E3) which contained 2 curved flats, molding and a door. My job as part of the scenery crew was to provide a budget, build calendar, and a molding layout.

Budget wise this problem really solid for me. It helped me learn excel better and also be better understand what is needed and what to research for while preparing estimates and budgets. The total budget for this project was $2,797.21 including paint, lumber, hardware, and moldings. This budget does not contain labor cost!

Project#3 budget


Build calendar was simple due to knowledge of how many crew members and rough timing on how long things to get built.

Project #3 build calendar

Building the framing for the molding was a little tricky, finding a way  to build a frame to attach all the molding to, and then attaching that frame to the flats themselves. The solution was an L shaped frame.

molding layout

Analysis/ Application:

One real-world application is a real life production that you get hired as the T.D for. In this setting you must present a estimate, a budget proposal, and some build drawing for the producers to look at. Over all I feel that this problem was successful and I wouldn’t change it. One of the best parts about this problem it that you to really focus in-depth about what you are trying to communicate with others.

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