Crank ghost head

Final clean and sanded version of the crank ghost head.

Crank ghost head final

Crank ghost head final

Posted in Scenery/ Technical Direction/ Fabrication | Leave a comment

Flying crank ghost

Flying crank ghost body & new head. The head is made from Smooth-on FOAM-iT 3.

Crank ghost

Crank ghost

Posted in Scenery/ Technical Direction/ Fabrication | Leave a comment

Projection Mapping




Using the software’s MadMapper & Modul8, I was able to project and map on these different size boxes with precision.

Mapping on boxes

Posted in Video/ Camera work | Leave a comment launch party, I was a Technician & Camera Op. Images in the back are a serious if live 3D Kinect camera feed & edited visuals to create and virtual environment.

Posted in Video/ Camera work | Leave a comment


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