Last week’s meeting, I unfortunately, could not attend so I was unable to hear the presentation or the feedback from the people who met up with Vanessa Villanueva. I did however see that there were more responses in the chart for the survey, so I think the distribution went well. The feedback from the students was really helpful in developing the case study for the orientation material.

As for the readings this week, I didn’t see any on the website and also didn’t see the recording of the last meeting, so I’m unable to speak about the meeting. However, I was filled in by some of my fellow interns and did read through the presentation that was linked. It was a detailed and easy presentation to understand since it covered all that is taught in COMD as well as the information we received from the second textbook. I added more orientation materials that I received from Professor Garrastegui and Micheal Cannetti to the dropbox folder.

Later on, in the week, I was able to meet up with my group member and finalize a Case Study through ArcGis Story Maps.

ArcGIS StoryMaps