Meeting Info


  • Design Process: Define project goals, Audience, Solutions/Deliverables
  • Concepts: Semantic, Information Design vs Data Viz
  • Define and discuss next steps


Discussion/Collective Brainstorm

Big Picture (15 mins)

Use the chat and designate a notetaker.

  • What is the overarching problem we are trying to solve here?
  • Who is the audience? Or audiences we are trying to reach?
  • Are we looking in right place (orientation)?
  • Have we correctly identified the problem?
  • What should a new student DO/THINK/FEEL during and after Orientation/Welcome Day?
    • What do you know now, that you wish you knew when you started at City Tech?
    • What questions didn’t get answered as a new student?
    • What should the Orientation experience and materials include? 
    • What should the day/experience look like?
    • What information/feeling do we want students to leave the Orientation with – or access independently, if they don’t attend Orientation.
    • What actions do we want students to take after Orientation – or in their first semester of school?

Project Design/Solutions (Three Groups – Breakout Rooms 15-20 min)

Choose one of the following to explore or something else! Be sure to consider the above questions.

Intern Group Sayback (15 min)

  • Present your group’s project ideas

Discussion: Define the Class Project Deliverable (10 min)

  • Case Study for College stake holders using StoryMaps?
    Create a pitch for the College to improve materials distributed to new students and the overall experience for new students. Call attention to where information materials and experience falls short.
    • Use storytelling to highlight the experiences of new students with user personas.
    • Define the problems based on survey data and materials collected
    • Present the solution(s) using information design and visualization techniques
  • Create a Story Map by logging in with your CUNY login.

Presentation: Introduction to Information Design and Storytelling (Next Week)

Discussion: Upcoming City Tech Orientation (5 min)

  • August 17th – Tech and Design Orientation
    • Handout that the Office of Student Life has sent out via mail to new students.
    • QR code points to: The New Student Orientation Fall ’23 doc
    • Note: QR codes without URL are not accessible. Handout should also include basic info (times and location).
  • Email Vanessa Villanueva in the Office of Student Life & Development to inquire about distributing the Orientation Exit Survey at the upcoming School of Tech & Design Connect Day
    • Irin, Erikson and Abraham to coordinate with Or
  • Review Student orientation survey questions (Dropbox – pdfs) from Fall 16 to Fall 19. Where is the data?? Ask Vanessa or Yimi for data
  • Adjust survey, if needed.
  • How to distribute the survey?

Next Steps?

  • Based on brainstorm today, meet with your group
  • Review and analyze data from surveys and collected materials
  • Identify the problems
  • Present solutions next week in outline form: overview, problems addressed, deliverables, schedule, assigned tasks for each group member, due date

To-Do For Next Meeting


A Brief History

Recommended reading if you want to learn more about WEB DuBois and his Infographics of African-American Life:
Forrest S, Jason. The Data Visualizations of W.E.B. Du Bois. Six-part Series: June 18, 2018.


  1. Meet with your group to outline your Project in a shared Google Doc.
    • Overview, problems addressed, solutions/deliverables (in detail), timeline/schedule, assigned tasks for each group member, due date
    • Template
    • Explore the Story Map Gallery and create a test Story Map to see if this format will work for final Project Case Study presentations
  2. Required Week 7 Journal Entry: Create a Post using the Category: Journal.
    Include the following:
    • Write a brief reflection on today’s lecture/discussion and the readings/media
    • Link to your Project Google Doc
    • Share links to any web resources, definitions, media, tutorials, or tools to add to the Course Resources on the Model Course Site.
  3. Add 5 terms to the Glossary post (term, definition and source)
  4. Submit the checklist below to document your contributions this week

ID2 Meeting 7 Checklist

Tasks from the Week 7 Agenda
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Zoom Recording 

Zoom link to Week7’s meeting – 08/07/23
Passcode: NeM9Ub#e