The first sentence said that “Information is a conceptual labyrinth”, well they weren’t lying, I still do not fully understand the text. This week’s reading was still very complicated and the terminology had to be looked up. A word glossary is needed or maybe highlighting some of the main things. From the reading I got that, depending on a situation the value of a data can change and when discovering new information the old data could be discarded or added upon. We can also “erase, damage, or lose” data, like on a hard drive. So how would we know if we are getting the full data/ information without any error or tampering? 

I think the video below could help understanding the text more.

Shannon -Weaver Model of Communication – YouTube

As for the Mapping Exercise, I wasn’t able to be on campus in person, I did it from memory in perspective from the COMD department’s 1st floor, so a small part of the Namm Building.