Professor Kate Poirier | D772 | Spring 2023

Category: Test #2 Formulas (Page 7 of 7)

Test #2 – two review assignments

  • Test #2: Tuesday, April 4
  • Test #2 Review assignments due on the OpenLab: Monday, April 3

Test #2 will be given next week. The structure of Test #2 will be identical to that of Test #1. Test #2 will cover Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, and 5.7.

The structure of your Test #2 review assignment is almost identical to that of the Test #1 Review assignment.

Test #2 Review Assignment #1

Choose one question from the textbook homework (you can see assigned textbook homework problems on the schedule here) and post your solution on the OpenLab. Try to choose a problem that has not already been submitted by one of your classmates. Title your post Test #2 Review and add the section and problem number. Add the category Test #2 Review before submitting your post.

Test #2 Review Assignment #2

You may bring a formula/reference sheet to use during the test. Your sheet must fit on one side of one letter-sized piece of paper and must be hand written by you. You will hand your formula sheet in with your test.

For this assignment, upload a photo of your formula sheet to post on the OpenLab. Title your post Test #2 Formulas and select the category Test #2 Formulas before publishing your post.

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