Professor Kate Poirier | D772 | Spring 2023

Category: Assignment Instructions (Page 3 of 6)

Test #2 – two review assignments

  • Test #2: Tuesday, April 4
  • Test #2 Review assignments due on the OpenLab: Monday, April 3

Test #2 will be given next week. The structure of Test #2 will be identical to that of Test #1. Test #2 will cover Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, and 5.7.

The structure of your Test #2 review assignment is almost identical to that of the Test #1 Review assignment.

Test #2 Review Assignment #1

Choose one question from the textbook homework (you can see assigned textbook homework problems on the schedule here) and post your solution on the OpenLab. Try to choose a problem that has not already been submitted by one of your classmates. Title your post Test #2 Review and add the section and problem number. Add the category Test #2 Review before submitting your post.

Test #2 Review Assignment #2

You may bring a formula/reference sheet to use during the test. Your sheet must fit on one side of one letter-sized piece of paper and must be hand written by you. You will hand your formula sheet in with your test.

For this assignment, upload a photo of your formula sheet to post on the OpenLab. Title your post Test #2 Formulas and select the category Test #2 Formulas before publishing your post.

Happy pi day!

  • $\pi$ day is 3/14
  • Due date for this assignment: Monday, March 20

Homer in a superhero costume standing with Lisa in front of a fridge full of pies chuckling and saying, "I was in so deep I forgot pies were food."

The number $\pi$ is one of the most famous numbers and appears all over mathematics. Since $\pi$ is approximately 3.14159, on March 14 at 1:59pm (3/14, 1:59) we observe $\pi$ day. Whenever we can, we celebrate by eating pie and doing some $\pi$ day activities. It’s not a national holiday, but it should be!

For this assignment, in honor of $\pi$ day you will learn something new (something you don’t already know) about the number $\pi$. Then you will write a short summary of what you have learned, and type your summary in the comments on this post. Make sure to include the source you used. You may include images in your comment if you like.

Option 1

If you are available today (3/14) at 1:59pm, join this free virtual event as CityTech math professor Sandie Han guides us through a $\pi$ day activity. Sign up here. Include “live event” in your comment.

Option 2

The YouTube channel Numberphile has tons of interesting videos about different elements of mathematics. Since $\pi$ is so important and so prevalent, they have a whole playlist devoted to $\pi$. Choose one of the videos to watch and summarize. Try to choose a video that one of your classmates hasn’t already chosen. Include the title of the video in your comment.

Option 3

If you find another video or article that teaches you something new about $\pi$, you are welcome to summarize that one. Include a link to it in your comment.

A cartoon cat pointing at a blackboard with the first few digits of pi and drawings of pi and a second cat holding a pie.

OpenLab assignment: crowd-sourced Test #1 solutions

Due Monday, March 13

Grampa simpson bursting through the door saying, "I got the answer!"

Step 1

Choose one of the questions from Test #1 that you did not receive full credit for and re-solve the problem. Submit your complete solution (a photo of your written work or typed using LaTeX) as an OpenLab post with title Test #1 Solutions and the type of equation you are solving and with category Test #1 Solutions.

There were different versions of the test with similar questions. Try to choose a problem whose solution a classmate has not already posted.

Step 2

Read your classmates’ solutions and find one for another question on your version of Test #1. Submit a comment on their post describing how you approached that question similarly or differently or any questions or suggestions you have.

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