Professor Kate Poirier | D772 | Spring 2023

Author: Ebtida (Page 3 of 3)

Favorite Application of differential equations

I am interested to know if differential equations can be applied to compound interesting because compound interest increases exponentially over time so it has a independent variable and a dependent variable of time. Thus I feel as though it might be possible to write a differential equation on it using dy/dt.

Introduction (Ebtida Ahmed)

Hi my name is Ebtida Ahmed. I like playing video games. My pronouns are He/Him. I am currently majoring in computer science. I became interesting in this due to having a strong desire to play the perfect game. I started to think about the potential for me to make the perfect game that I had envisioned. Then I thought deeper and thought to myself of the possibility of making a software to make the perfect game on and what better software to use than you own handmade one. So then I made it a goal to try and make a software that can help me in making a game for myself. I also like to play table tennis, football, tennis, badminton, cricket and dodge ball, but I don’t get much opportunity to do those things since I don’t have the space, equipment or friends to play them with. But besides that I also like reading manga and watching anime.

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