Professor Kate Poirier | D772 | Spring 2023

Introducing Kevin Jaisingh

My major is Computer Technology Engineering. I became interested in this major because I like to work on computers and build robots and cars. I like the fact I can build something and program it to do what I want it to do. After this class I will be taking MAT 2580 – Linear Algebra. After I graduated I would like to get my masters. I do not know where I would go and get that, but I still have a 2 semester to decided. I will like to own my own tech company one day. Some hobbies of mine is going on long drives, working on cars, and playing basketball. One thing I am good at is time management. I am proud of where I am. I struggle a lot in school and now I am in collage doing really well. The pandemic had taken away my graduation and senior experience in high school. I am the class of 2020. It kinda made it hard to learn online because I am a person who likes to see work done in person and try it myself. So like in math before we started using zoom, the teacher would upload work and instruction on how to solve these problems, but i do not learn like that. I rather let someone show me how to do it and then I try.


  1. Danny Mizhquiri

    I have to say, I understand your situation, and I am happy and agree with your point that someone should at least explain how to solve/explain in person. Also, I hope we get to work together to over come difficulty of this class.

  2. Ken Mei

    I understand your situation and for me I also prefer being taught in-person on campus because Iā€™m in an environment that would make me focus better.

  3. Rickylin

    Hello Kevin, same as you I also prefer when work/problem are done in person and try it by myself because I’m a visual learner.

  4. John Villalona

    That’s awesome. And i hope you get the chance to pursue your masters once you done with your bachelors . I am also computer engineering major . It is a fun major and i have learn a lot but i know if have had this thought of CET which is some classes or material is alot to take in a lecture or lab class?

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