Author Archives: markh

Rambling Up & Down

Hard work by many students is beginning to pay off. Those tomato, pepper, and basil seeds that were so carefully planted in schoolĀ last spring, have really come in to their own–Country Taste and Black Brandywine are most prolific in the … Continue reading

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TV Spotlight on the Garden

The amazing Barry Mitchell, producer at CUNY TVĀ  has made a fine piece about the Hospitality Garden on the show “Learn from the Best”.Ā  An easy way to watch itĀ is on Youtube.Ā  The garden segment is towards the end, at … Continue reading

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We always knew that the HospitalityGarden had a temporary arrangement with the owner of the land. But it is sad to find out thatĀ  Acadia Realty plans to begin building on the site this fall. Ā Ā The Dekalb Market will have … Continue reading

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Mid summer update   Melons, zukes, peppers, herbs, shiso and flowers are thriving in the heat, the sporadic rain and the watering care provided by Dah Wei, Shelita and Joslyn. PoleĀ  beans are being trained toward the nearby sunflowers High … Continue reading

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New Events

We are approaching the longest day of the year. All this daylight allows for time consuming projects to get started and finished.Ā Ā  In that spirit, CUNY television channel 75 is planning (again) to do some filming at the garden on … Continue reading

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Tough Love among the Charentais

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.Ā  Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:Ā  the moment one commits … Continue reading

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The un official rain gauge in central Brooklyn reads 2.27 inches betweenĀ  6:00 am & 7:00 pm today. While it has wrecked inconvenience on baseball infields and royal icing decorations, theĀ spinach & chardĀ greens are inhalingĀ this down pourĀ like hungry school kids.Ā Stop … Continue reading

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Saturday, Yeoman’s service

They came, they saw, they harvested;Ā  theyĀ prepped, they schlepped, they set up and cooked. And it was a good time. Joslyn made scrumptious sushi w/ roasted veg and garden greens.Ā  Joseph & Michelle sauteed and served up hundreds of spring … Continue reading

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The Brooklyn Food ConferenceĀ is happening this Saturday and with 5000 people expected, there will be loads of opportunities to link up with people who are involved in urban gardens, cooking, food justice, sustainablity, compostingĀ politics and so much more. it’s at … Continue reading

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May Spritz

The light intermittent rain this past week has stimulated the lettuce, turnips, radish, cilantro, kale, turnips,Ā chard, collards, volunteer shiso, and turnips. Also stimulated a number of students to get into the damp garden during that mid day break yesterday. Their … Continue reading

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