Providing Over 70 Years of Quality Service to the Hospitality Industry

Weekly Reflection 10/24

The information that I learned today during the meeting with the City Tech graduates was very valuable for me for the future and for right now. However, two things that I learned and will keep in mind is when one of the panelists said that to go for a job even though you might not be qualified for it but you should at least give it a shot because as the panelist said the worst thing that can happen is that they don’t give you the job and that you won’t be losing nothing for just trying. Another thing that I will keep in mind is that it is important to have confidence in yourself and not let anyone bring you down because of who you are and that you have to know that there is going to be challenges presented to you but it isn’t something that you can’t overcome with time plus that you shouldn’t be shy you should believe in yourself and speak up your voice. Finally, the way I would do this during my college career is to not let opportunities go away but take them when they are presented to me as for not being shy and having confidence in myself I feel like that is something that will take time for me but I should take the public speaking course or any other course from outside plus not to be afraid to speak what I think or not second guess myself during the classes I take which can be a starter.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Even during these difficult times there are opportunities. I do hope you join clubs and network with your classmates, be the driving force to raise the standards of performance.

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