Being back at my home location felt right. I missed the adrenaline rush of having 10 orders on mobile orders or the line to the bakery when in Grill. n in Grill. We even joked if we got a dining room, trash and trays, or beverage island we would trade it off with anyone. We wanted to be in the shops more than anything. I was in Pizza Window, and I enjoyed being able to interact with guests. Just recently I was recognized in the app for having great conversations. I had tried to complete a Bingo sheet which our Cords gave us to have a friendly conversation with and it was more fun because I noticed how much I was learning about each guest.  

I picked up an ODV shift for an after-hours event at Magic Kingdom, and it was honestly amazing. We started getting ready for the event around 7 by loading the carts with the beverages. We had a meeting and how we were split up, and we decided who would lead each group. We set up our carts by Pecos Bill and the color band for the night was red. We divided ourselves to be more organized. Two of us were going to hand out the desserts while the other two handed out beverages and our leader for the group was restocking anything we ran out of. We were like that for a couple of hours until it slowed down. Once we closed our spot, we helped clean the carts and restock them for the next day. They even let us out early because we finished so early.