These weeks have been rough! many new college program members have joined, a Sprinkler accident within Deluxe Burger, And trying to keep up with rushes. to start things off some more college students have started to join us in very very small groups with some having 1 or 2 people training some of which are ICP’s which are students who come from different countries to come experience to work at Disney but the have a much shorter stay and don’t stay in the same job when their here first the could start off with QSR and then go to Attractions which makes their departure much sadder since we wont be able to see them at work anymore. Another thing that happened this week was that while on my way to work the minute I walked into the building the sprinklers above the grills in the kitchen begin to sprinkle water all over the grills and for about 3 to 4 hours we are unable to cook any burgers so we end up just waiting around the building and began to stock up and deep clean the restaurant and once they got the sprinklers to stop the cooks started to cook burgers and gave some of them to us to thank us for helping around and not asking for an Early Release. During these weeks we had on and off rushes at the restaurants and made it difficult to keep up with the pace but we were able to get through it together and it made it a little easier to manage when you know you’re in the same boat as others.