This was a dark week because 6 CPS were being transferred out. After all, our location is overstaffed. They are going to be split up into Contemporary, Polynesian, The Mara, and Pop Century. We had all started around the same time and thought we would leave around the same time. Ours Cords fought to keep them however they weren’t able to succeed. We had a second round of spring break coming in and it was difficult to pre-close our stations. We were at our stations for four hours at a time and had floater restocking stations. At some point. When Culinary made extra items, it came in handy for mobile orders. I was learning how to balance all the orders I was taking in and having to communicate with my other cast members working alongside me. We were able to keep the line moving at a good pace. When I was switched to Pizza/Pasta Window I had to memorize who had ordered what first and call for enough Pizzas to be on display. 

I picked up at the Mara and their stations are all behind one counter. I was behind the busser and trash and trays throughout the night but even then, it was relaxing because I met someone who had picked it up as well and she was from Animal Kingdom. She had picked it up before and mentioned how they usually have a meeting at night to discuss how the day’s work progressed. I helped close Beverage Island and the Dining Room, and by 11:45 pm they started their meeting and asked me to join them. It was amazing because they acknowledged people who stepped in and helped cut down the line. They also looked for ways to improve for the next day.