Week 12 was carnival week. My contribution to carnival was to make a mask for my department. My inspiration was based on a carnival look from a Jamaican influencer. As a Jamaican, I try to represent my country every chance I get and this was the perfect opportunity to do that. In seconds I found my inspiration picture and started the base of the mask. I then requested all the equipments I would need to complete the mask and worked on it every chance I get. It was a challenging task because I only had 3 days to complete it while attending to my regular work duties as I was on the clock. The process was fun at first but then felt like a lot because I was the one doing majority of the work. I kept on track and finished what I started because I’m not a quitter, no matter how hard things get I push through it.

The mask was done in time and was placed in the resort lobby for guest to make their votes. It was there for 3 days until the day of the resort’s carnival parade. Carnival day was fun seeing Jamaican flags being worn and Trinidadian musicians singing and playing steelpan drums. As a Jamaican who never experienced carnival this was a nice mini carnival experience, especially my mask contribution. I was happy to see my work despite the challenges faced during the mask making process and I also had fun for a few minutes on carnival day.